Silver Nisab
£____ (612.36g)
Gold Nisab
£____ (87.48g)
Guidance on Weight
Gold Nisab in Tola = 7.5 tola
Silver Nisab in Tola = 52.5 tola
1 Tola is equivalent to 11.66 grams
Enter all Assets and Liabilities below
that have been in your possession over a lunar year
Gold in any form (including White Gold)
is subject to Zakat
Silver in any form is subject to Zakat
Your Cash
Any money in Cash available to Hand
All money held in Bank Accounts
e.g Savings for Hajj or to buy a property
Money given out in loans which is owed to you
Income from Rental Properties
Any Foreign currency money at current value
Current resale value of Properties
Any other form of income
Shares at current market value
Any amount contributed to in the last year (but not on the portion paid by your employer)
e.g Business Investments, Saving Certificates
Digital Currency & Online Money
Any Digital Currency held e.g Crypto, Bitcoin etc
Any money held in PayPal Account
Any money held online e.g Topcashback, Quidco etc
Any store vouchers and credit notes
Any accumulated money generated via Rewards scheme
Trade Goods
Value of items you intend to sell and make a profit
Any money that is owed to others
Tax, Rent, Utility bills due
Any unpaid rent, property payments, invoices, staff salaries that are due or overdue
Any fixed house repayments due for the current year